All posts by Brian Bearden

Charisma on command: How to make people respect you in seconds

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Want to be more charismatic and confident? We make videos to help you learn how to be more confident, how to make people laugh, how to be more likable – basically everything about exuding charisma. Relationships in life are everything, so we want to teach you to turn on your most confident, charismatic self in the moments that matter most.

Max Steingart Top Earner training

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MAX STEINGART show why LinkedIn is now Network Marketing’s #1 Social Network for building your business. And Max can show you how to use LinkedIn for free. Max’s social network strategies and scripts have been proven to help network marketers achieve significant rank advancement in the fastest amount of time.

Max Steingart shows how easy it is to connect with professional prospects and enroll them in your business on LinkedIn.

During Max’s free daily broadcasts, he reveals the REAL TRUTH about prospecting, recruiting and building a fast growing team for network marketers and affiliate marketers. His four-step formula helps everyone build their business in less than an hour a day without lists, websites, blogs, capture pages and funnels.



Contrarian Thinking by Codie Sanchez

Codie Sanchez Quotes: “Money wields more power than you perceive. Hearing that ‘money can’t buy happiness’ often leads to the false narrative that money is evil, worthless, or unworthy of pursuit.”

“I don’t acquire money because I want Lamborghinis and fancy things. I do it because I think it is a way to freedom, because it is a tool for power.”

“Most people that are blue collar workers, at least in my experience that I’ve worked with, they think about personal development a bit like therapy.” “Strive for excellence to an extent that you become impossible to ignore.”

“I had to re-navigate and negotiate my language. That was the only way I could change my relationship with money. So it started with being okay with things like personal development, which is totally normal.”

“Do you think you have been investing in small businesses for so long? Small has affected your thinking?”

“I actually think that money might be contagious and that if you are around people who have it, the exact opposite of everything we think happens, […] especially when you’re young, and especially if you’re hungry.”

“I don’t really know how to learn except I get around other people who have more than I do and I just see how they think. And then it opens up this whole aperture.”

“I don’t know when in today’s world we decided that having difficulties in front of you meant that you were meant for less. That is such a false narrative, so I just don’t ascribe to it.”

Follow Codie Sanchez: Website:

YouTube:    / @codiesanchezct  

Twitter:   / codie_sanchez  

Instagram:   / codiesanchez  

Top 10 reasons to use Social Blade for videos #socialblade

Top 10 reasons to use Social Blade:

  1. Monitor YouTube channel growth: Social Blade allows you to track the growth of any YouTube channel, including subscriber count, views, and estimated earnings.
  2. Compare channel performance: You can use Social Blade to compare the performance of different channels and see which ones are doing well and which ones need improvement.
  3. Track your own channel growth: If you have a YouTube channel, Social Blade can help you keep track of your own growth over time and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Discover popular YouTubers: Social Blade also lets you discover popular YouTubers based on their subscriber count and other metrics.
  5. Analyze video performance: Social Blade provides insights into the performance of individual videos, including views, likes, and comments.
  6. Identify trends: With Social Blade, you can identify trends in YouTube content and see which types of videos are most popular among viewers.
  7. Monitor social media accounts: Social Blade can also be used to monitor the growth and performance of social media accounts on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Twitch.
  8. Estimate earnings: Social Blade uses data to estimate the earnings of YouTube channels and social media accounts based on advertising revenue and other factors.
  9. Research competitors: Social Blade can be used to research competitors and see what strategies they are using to grow their channels or accounts.
  10. Plan marketing campaigns: By analyzing data on Social Blade, you can plan more effective marketing campaigns for your own channel or brand.

Top 10 jobs on a cruise ship

The Top 10 jobs on a cruise ship:
  1. Captain: The captain is responsible for the overall operation of the ship, including navigation, safety, and the well-being of passengers and crew.
  2. Hotel Director: The hotel director oversees all aspects of the passenger experience, including dining, entertainment, and accommodations.
  3. Cruise Director: The cruise director is responsible for organizing onboard activities and entertainment, and serving as the liaison between passengers and the ship’s staff.
  4. Executive Chef: The executive chef oversees the ship’s culinary operations, including menu planning, food preparation, and managing the kitchen staff.
  5. Bartender: Bartenders are responsible for serving drinks to passengers and providing excellent customer service.
  6. Steward/Stewardess: Stewards and stewardesses are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and upkeep of the passenger cabins and public areas of the ship.
  7. Entertainment Staff: The entertainment staff is responsible for organizing and hosting onboard activities and events, such as games, shows, and parties.
  8. Shore Excursion Manager: The shore excursion manager is responsible for organizing and overseeing the various excursions and activities available to passengers when the ship is in port.
  9. Photographer: Photographers are responsible for taking photos of passengers during their cruise and selling them in the ship’s onboard photo gallery.
  10. Medical Staff: The medical staff on a cruise ship includes doctors and nurses who provide medical care to passengers and crew who become ill or injured during the voyage.

Top 10 foods to lower blood sugar levels #glycemicindex

Top 10 foods that may help lower blood sugar levels:

  1. Non-Starchy Vegetables: Non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus have a low glycemic index and are high in fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  2. Nuts: Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber. They have a low glycemic index and can help regulate blood sugar levels.
  3. Legumes: Legumes like beans, lentils, and chickpeas are high in protein and fiber and have a low glycemic index. They can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.
  4. Whole Grains: Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread have a low glycemic index and are high in fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  5. Berries: Berries like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are low in sugar and high in fiber, which makes them a great snack for regulating blood sugar levels.
  6. Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt is high in protein and low in sugar, which can help regulate blood sugar levels.
  7. Cinnamon: Cinnamon has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood sugar levels.
  8. Vinegar: Vinegar can slow the digestion of carbohydrates and reduce blood sugar spikes after meals.
  9. Fish: Fish like salmon and tuna are high in healthy fats and protein and have a low glycemic index. They can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.
  10. Garlic: Garlic has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood sugar levels.


Los 10 mejores alimentos que pueden ayudar a reducir los niveles de azúcar en la sangre:

Verduras sin almidón: las verduras sin almidón como las verduras de hoja verde, el brócoli, la coliflor y los espárragos tienen un índice glucémico bajo y un alto contenido de fibra, lo que ayuda a regular los niveles de azúcar en la sangre.

Frutos secos: Los frutos secos como las almendras, las nueces y los pistachos son ricos en grasas saludables, proteínas y fibra. Tienen un índice glucémico bajo y pueden ayudar a regular los niveles de azúcar en la sangre.

Legumbres: las legumbres como los frijoles, las lentejas y los garbanzos son ricos en proteínas y fibra y tienen un índice glucémico bajo. Pueden ayudar a regular los niveles de azúcar en la sangre y mejorar la sensibilidad a la insulina.

Granos integrales: los granos integrales como el arroz integral, la quinua y el pan integral tienen un índice glucémico bajo y son ricos en fibra, lo que ayuda a regular los niveles de azúcar en la sangre.

Bayas: Las bayas como las fresas, los arándanos y las frambuesas son bajas en azúcar y altas en fibra, lo que las convierte en un excelente refrigerio para regular los niveles de azúcar en la sangre.

Yogur griego: el yogur griego es alto en proteínas y bajo en azúcar, lo que puede ayudar a regular los niveles de azúcar en la sangre.

Canela: Se ha demostrado que la canela mejora la sensibilidad a la insulina y ayuda a regular los niveles de azúcar en la sangre.

Vinagre: El vinagre puede retrasar la digestión de los carbohidratos y reducir los picos de azúcar en la sangre después de las comidas.

Pescado: pescados como el salmón y el atún son ricos en grasas y proteínas saludables y tienen un índice glucémico bajo. Pueden ayudar a regular los niveles de azúcar en la sangre y mejorar la sensibilidad a la insulina.

Ajo: Se ha demostrado que el ajo mejora la sensibilidad a la insulina y ayuda a regular los niveles de azúcar en la sangre.

Top 10 foods that could lower blood pressure

Here are 10 foods that may help lower blood pressure:

Leafy greens: Dark, leafy greens like spinach, kale, collard greens, and arugula are rich in potassium and other nutrients that can help lower blood pressure.

Berries: Berries like strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries are high in flavonoids, which have been shown to lower blood pressure.

Beets: Beets contain nitrates, which can help relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

Yogurt: Yogurt is high in calcium, which has been linked to lower blood pressure.

Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a good source of fiber and can help reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Garlic: Garlic contains allicin, a compound that may help relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

Salmon: Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to lower blood pressure.

Olive oil: Olive oil is rich in polyphenols, which have been linked to lower blood pressure.

Avocado: Avocado is high in potassium, which can help lower blood pressure.

Nuts: Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are high in magnesium, which can help lower blood pressure.

SPANISH: Aquí hay 10 alimentos que pueden ayudar a bajar la presión arterial:

Verduras de hojas verdes: Las verduras de hojas verdes oscuras como la espinaca, la col rizada, la col rizada y la rúcula son ricas en potasio y otros nutrientes que pueden ayudar a reducir la presión arterial.

Bayas: Las bayas como las fresas, las frambuesas y los arándanos tienen un alto contenido de flavonoides, que se ha demostrado que reducen la presión arterial.

Remolachas: Las remolachas contienen nitratos, que pueden ayudar a relajar los vasos sanguíneos y disminuir la presión arterial.

Yogur: el yogur tiene un alto contenido de calcio, que se ha relacionado con una presión arterial más baja.

Avena: La avena es una buena fuente de fibra y puede ayudar a reducir la presión arterial sistólica y diastólica.

Ajo: El ajo contiene alicina, un compuesto que puede ayudar a relajar los vasos sanguíneos y disminuir la presión arterial.

Salmón: el salmón tiene un alto contenido de ácidos grasos omega-3, que se ha demostrado que reducen la presión arterial.

Aceite de oliva: el aceite de oliva es rico en polifenoles, que se han relacionado con una presión arterial más baja.

Aguacate: el aguacate tiene un alto contenido de potasio, lo que puede ayudar a reducir la presión arterial.

Nueces: las nueces como las almendras, las nueces y los pistachos tienen un alto contenido de magnesio, lo que puede ayudar a reducir la presión arterial.

What is the Alkaline diet? Is Alkaline diet safe?

The alkaline diet, also known as the acid-alkaline diet or alkaline ash diet, is a dietary approach that emphasizes consuming foods that promote an alkaline environment in the body. The theory behind the alkaline diet is that certain foods can affect the pH balance in the body, and that maintaining a slightly alkaline pH level can have various health benefits.

The diet focuses on consuming foods that are considered alkaline-forming, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes, while limiting foods that are considered acid-forming, such as meat, dairy, processed foods, and refined sugar. The alkaline diet also encourages the consumption of alkaline water, which is water that has been ionized to have a higher pH level.

Proponents of the alkaline diet claim that it can help with weight loss, improve digestion, increase energy levels, and reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as cancer and osteoporosis. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims, and some experts have criticized the diet for being too restrictive and potentially lacking in essential nutrients.

While consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is generally considered to be healthy, it’s important to note that the body has its own mechanisms for regulating pH levels and that the alkaline diet may not be necessary for maintaining optimal health.

For more information on alkaline water, go to ALKALINE WATER BENEFITS


Top 10 powerful ways to improve your website’s SEO ranking

Top 10 ways to improve your search-engine ranking online

1. Get listed in more search engines. There are tons of them out there. There are also many free services that will help you get listed. Or just set aside some time to get it done yourself. Here is a free search engine submission site that will let you cycle through the top 100 search engines and get your site submitted.

2. Get listed in more directories. Again, there are a lot of them out there. Look for higher pagerank directories. has some listed by pagerank. Look on the left side of the homepage.

3. Clean up your html and check your links. You want the bots to have smooth sailing through your site. Use the tools on and have a real person check them over too.

4. Get a few more links to your site. Make them relevant and at least the same pagerank as you.

5. Make your page filenames descriptive and keyword rich. Naming your page new_page_1.html is wasting an opportunity to do some SEO. Use names that describe the content and keep the keywords flowing.

6. Check your Title tags. You can use 90 – 100 characters in the title, so add some keywords. We know Google looks at them, and so do many more search engines.

7. Check your ALT tags. Searchbots can’t see pictures. Make sure you have ALT tags on all of your pictures, and make sure they are descriptive and keyword rich.

8. Consider rewriting your URL (anchor) tags. Good anchor tags (the text between the http: and /a tags) reinforce the message and key words of your site.

9. Start posting in a few forums and put your website in your signature. Forums are a great place to put one way links. And you can help somebody out at the same time.

10. Put together a text based sitemap and put it on your site. There’s a lot of navigation that spiders can’t understand, such as flash, forms, java and javascript. Putting together a text-based sitemap gives the bots a way to navigate around the site.

Fifteen minutes every couple of days will make a huge difference in getting your rank higher.

Top 20 ways to send traffic to your website

GoDaddy acquires Vidnami

Vidami – GoDaddy transition 2021 Customer FAQs

When is the last day I’ll be able to access my Vidnami account?

You will be able to access your Vidnami account until Friday 20th August (AEST). If you have created any videos that you have not yet downloaded, we recommend that you download them over the next few weeks.

Will you keep billing me?

No, all subscriptions will be automatically canceled on July 20th, you will then continue to have free access to Vidnami until the final retirement date of August 20th.

Can I download my generated videos?

Yes, if you click on the new “MY DATA” link in the top navigation panel of Vidnami you’ll be able to download a .csv file containing a list of all your generated videos. The file contains the title of each video and a download link so that you can scan your video list and quickly download any videos you need. You can also download a .zip file containing all your scripts, and a .csv file containing a list of all your uploaded media assets.

Why Can’t You Keep Vidnami Up And Running Until The Integration With GoDaddy Is Complete?

On the surface this may seem like the obvious and simple thing to do, and if it were possible this is absolutely what we would have done to ensure continuity of service and create a smooth transition to the new GoDaddy Studio platform.

What may be difficult to understand from an external perspective is that running a business like Vidnami is a complex full-time undertaking for a small team of people.

From an engineering perspective there are always issues to deal with for example when google releases a new version of Chrome or one of our partners change an API or have an outage.

From a marketing perspective there are promotions, advertising campaigns, and content creation happening on a regular and ongoing basis.

From an administrative perspective there are accounting, HR, licensing and legal issues that need to be dealt with.

A business of this size and complexity requires the full-time focus of a small team in order to continue to operate.

Our acquisition by GoDaddy is going to require us to integrate our core rendering, video and machine learning capabilities into a complex global infrastructure from both a technical and product perspective.

This too is going to be a difficult, challenging and full-time undertaking.

After analysing the situation from every angle and discussing the situation with GoDaddy, we reluctantly came to the conclusion that it simply wasn’t viable for our small team to maintain the current version of Vidnami and integrate with GoDaddy at the same time.

We wish this was not the case, but unfortunately that is the reality of operating a business of this complexity and joining forces with a large multi-national organisation.

Moving forward, our focus will be to integrate with GoDaddy as quickly as possible to create a brand new mobile platform that delivers many of the best features that exist today in Vidnami.

What tools can I use instead of Vidnami?
While none of the following tools are a direct replacement for Vidnami, they may help meet the needs of your business while we are completing our integration into GoDaddy Studio.

I created and published a lot of videos using Vidnami, will my videos breech copyright laws when Vidnami is retired?
No, the licensing agreement we had in place with Storyblocks allows for videos that were made with Vidnami to remain in circulation after Vidnami has been retired.
Will Scriptnami and Question Samurai also be shutting down?
Scriptnami and Question Samurai were included in the sale to GoDaddy and they will also be closing on August 20th.
What is your refund policy?
As most Vidnami users are on a monthly plan, we have always maintained a 30 day money back guarantee. If you have purchased Vidnami within the last 30 days and would like to request a refund please contact
I paid for the annual plan, will I get a pro rata refund?
Yes, if you were on an annual plan and had paid for access beyond August 20th, we will be issuing you a pro-rata refund. This means that you will only be charged for the time you had access to the service. Your refund will be automatically processed over the next few days – you do not need to do anything.
Why did you sell Vidnami?

As a small startup based in Australia we often found that we were competing against much larger and better resourced competitors. The reality is that we had so many exciting plans and ideas for Vidnami but usually we just didn’t have the resources to pursue them. Joining GoDaddy will allow us to accelerate our feature development, create new web and mobile tools and allow us to impact over 20 million entrepreneurs around the world.

How long will the integration process take?

This is hard to say. We hope to have some level of integration by the end of this year, and we will continue to iterate to bring Vidnami’s video capabilities to GoDaddy Studio as quickly as we can.

Can I get a special deal on GoDaddy Studio when the integration is complete?

Yes. All you have to do is enter your name and email address in the form at the top of this page, and we will send you occasional updates about the integration process, and a special discount offer when the integration is complete.

Affiliate FAQs:

What is going to happen to my monthly affiliate payments?

We will be canceling all Vidnami PayPal subscriptions on July 20th. You will receive commissions on any payments we receive before this date that were made by customers you referred.

Are you going to pay out all my affiliate commissions?

Yes, we will continue to make affiliate payments until you receive your share of all the payments we receive from subscribers you referred to Vidnami. You will not miss out on any money you have generated as an affiliate.

When will my affiliate links stop working?

We will be redirecting all affiliate links to the Vidnami home page on July 5th.

When will you close the Vidnami free trial funnel to new users?

We will be closing the Vidnami free trial funnel on July 5th. This will ensure that prospects going through the 14 day trial will get the chance to pass through the entire funnel before Vidnami is retired.

When will you stop selling Vidnami?

The last day anyone will be able to buy Vidnami will be July 19th. This will ensure that they receive a full month of access for the monthly fee they pay upon subscribing.

What will happen with refunds?

We will continue to offer Vidnami subscribers a 30 day money back guarantee. There is likely to be a higher refund rate in the final month as subscribers realise that the product is being retired.

When will I receive my final affiliate payment?

As we pay affiliate commissions up to two months in arrears and the last day for payments is July 19th, it is likely that you will receive your final affiliate payment in September.

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